Travel Insurance Regulatory Settlement Agreement

Travel Insurance Regulatory Settlement Agreement: What it means for travelers

Traveling can be an exhilarating experience, but it also comes with its fair share of risks. These risks can be minimized by purchasing travel insurance, which provides coverage for unforeseen events such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, and lost luggage. However, the travel insurance industry has been scrutinized in recent years for its lack of transparency and unfair practices. That`s why the Travel Insurance Regulatory Settlement Agreement (TIRSA) was created.

What is TIRSA?

TIRSA is an agreement between state regulators and several major travel insurance companies, including AIG, Allianz, and Nationwide. It was created to address concerns over the lack of transparency and fair practices in the travel insurance industry. The agreement requires the companies to make several changes to their business practices, including:

– Providing clearer information about policy terms and exclusions

– Ensuring that policyholders can easily obtain refunds

– Better training of customer service representatives to provide accurate information to policyholders

– Disclosing financial incentives given to travel agents who sell their policies

What does TIRSA mean for travelers?

TIRSA is a positive development for travelers as it provides greater protection and transparency for travel insurance policies. By requiring companies to provide clear information about policy terms and exclusions, travelers can make more informed decisions when purchasing travel insurance. This will help to avoid situations where policyholders are surprised to find out that certain events are not covered by their policy.

The agreement also requires companies to make it easier for travelers to obtain refunds. This is especially important for those who have to cancel their trip due to unforeseen events such as illness or natural disasters. The process for obtaining a refund can often be confusing and time-consuming, but the changes mandated by TIRSA will make it easier for policyholders to receive their money back.

Better training for customer service representatives is another important change mandated by TIRSA. Travelers often rely on customer service representatives to answer questions about their policy and provide guidance in the event of an emergency. By ensuring that representatives are properly trained, TIRSA will help to ensure that policyholders receive accurate information and support.

Finally, the disclosure of financial incentives given to travel agents who sell travel insurance policies is an important change mandated by TIRSA. This will provide greater transparency for travelers, who may be unaware that the travel agent is receiving financial compensation for selling them a policy. By disclosing these incentives, travelers can make more informed decisions when purchasing travel insurance.


The Travel Insurance Regulatory Settlement Agreement is a positive development for travelers. By mandating changes to the business practices of major travel insurance companies, TIRSA provides greater protection and transparency for policyholders. By being more informed about their policy terms and conditions, travelers can make more informed decisions and have greater peace of mind when they embark on their travels.